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Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Well, This is Embarassing

Hello dear friends!  Well ,this is embarrassing.  How many times have I stopped and started this blog?  I'm pretty sure some of you are fed up with it.  Each time I do, I get less and less readership, not that t it's important to me, as this blog  has never been a vehicle to make money, push products or become popular.  And I bet that there's others out there that think I'm just doing this for attention. I assure you,  I'm not.  I never realized that there were people out there that actually enjoyed  my long-winded posts.  A lot of them are just random thoughts, that  can't even be labeled .  But since I decided to go private, I've heard from more people than my "followers" (hate that term) number would indicate I had.  I have to say, there's some pretty clever folks out there when it comes to tracking down where to contact me.  Did some of you work for the FBI? Ha!

I didn't stop this blog because of the hurtful comments, although I must admit it was quite a kick in the stomach to open a "friend's" blog and read a post about what a hateful negative person I was to write about quotes from politicians and Bible verses.  And the people that tout the mainstream media's line about those that protest against this quarantine " not caring about people".  When they wish death upon me or my family because I'm killing people by not falling in lockstep with the agenda, well, what can you say about such a "caring"  person?

But here's the truth about why I stopped blogging;  I don't like me when I respond to these people.  Due to my childhood experiences, that I've hinted at here and there,  when people criticize me and threaten me, my natural reaction is to cut them down a peg or two.  Even though  I know it's a defense mechanism, I just can't seem to stop myself.  I've prayed over it, I've analyzed it,  but the flesh is weak.  It is the trait I most despise in myself. I know that I need to follow the example of Jesus and turn the other cheek but I am so  so weak.   The only solution I can come up with is to not have this outlet to protect myself from my  own inner demon.  I didn't want to keep the blog open because  eventually, someone will leave a comment  and convince me to have another go at it.  I just didn't want to be persuaded anymore because it would just set me up for another failure.

But then people started contacting me  about how could they be included in the private blog and I thought perhaps some had hurt feelings because they felt they were being excluded.  As the person that has spent much of her life "looking through the window" at parties and such, while being left out, that is the very last thing on earth I wanted  to make anyone feel.

So here's the scoop.  I'm going to keep this blog open so those of you that want to access it can.  I may or may not write posts, don't know.  But I want the negative Nellies to know, I'm through arguing with you.  You want to write something negative, it will be deleted.  If you want to use this blog as  a  platform for your views you'll have to find it  somewhere else.  I've heard all my life, that you should be respectful of other people's views, and I look at the world around us, and wonder if that is true?  Right? There are some things in life that I don't think we should just respectfully agree to disagree with.. I'm not the greatest Biblical scholar, but I do recall that Jesus did throw the moneychangers out of the temple. I don't want to hear your views on why abortions are a right, your new-age philosophy of   "many paths to Heaven", and that we should give up our Constitutional rights for the sake of public health.   I can't argue you out of your views, and you sure can't make any argument  that will convince me otherwise.  I cannot pat you on the head and say "thank you for your view".  Why? Because these things are important. If you don't like what I stand for, by all means, feel free to not read, because I'm at the point of life, whether or not if someone "likes" me is of little concern.


  1. I like you Jane, your straightforward speaking, writing, and your views. I do not like negative comments either, and I have set up my blog so I can read comments before they are published and delete any that are rude or not relevant, I did get some from people wanting to expand my blog readership, at a cost!!! As if that would apply to me. Down here, we are still inn total lockdown level 4, next Tuesday go to level 3, where some businesses can be open, people a metre apart, we have to be 2 metres now, unless we are in the " Same Bubble" .We all should be able to continue blogging or stop without any criticism at all. Hope you are safe in your home, how far away are your grandchildren? We have a grandson about 2 hours south of us, and a grand-daughter almost 5 hours north, where our older daughter lives, younger daughter is in the South Island, a long car trip, a ferry crossing, then a 2 day drive, or a plane flight with one stop on the way, and I have no idea when we will see any of them. Right now a phone call or a Skype or Facetime video call is so important. Next will be a husband's haircut, and I hate to contemplate how he will trim my hair at the back!!! I did the front, a bit like a hedgehog, but it will grow. Did you have a recipe for sourdough bread? I have a friend who is struggling to get it right. Fondest greetings from down in New Zealand, hope to read your words more often now.XXX

    1. Sorry Jean, sourdough is one of those things that I have struggled with also. Once had a neighbor that claims he got his starter for the original 49ers. Don't know about that, but it was the best ever. Wish I had thought to get some starter from him. We are waiting here to see if our state congress will allow some businesses to open. I think they said some things like lawn services, etc. Which is kinda funny, because they've been going full steam here in spite of the rules. Of course, the government offices will be reopening. Got to collect those fees. Ha!

      Two of my grandchildren live about 3 hours south of us and our other two live about 700 miles away in North Carolina. About a 13 hour trip on a good day. We talk on the phone often, some are more chatterboxes than others.

      I think we are all going to come out of this with some interesting hairstyles. I had to get a few things at our local dollar store and I walked past the hair dye aisle by the check out. Maybe we'll call it the covid-do. All the blonde hair dye was gone. Hoping it turns out nice for
      them! Happy hair trimming!


    2. Well Jamie, some little bird that knew I loved tweed convinced me to try again. Ha! Have a happy!


  2. I love your posts I've been following you for a very long time

  3. Dear Jane,

    I know exactly what you mean about removing yourself from a situation in which you know you will respond in a way you sure wish you wouldn't. I find there are some situations/people that just really push my buttons and I just bite back...only to live to regret it for the way I feel about my poor behavior afterwards! I do hope that your "trolls" will go away!

    I am so excited that I might have something actually GOOD to read online once in awhile! (I think there are only about 3 blogs I read, anymore. Either folks don't post any longer, or they/I have changed so much, I just don't care about others.) Thank you for bringing things back online. Best wishes to you and your family.

    Jen in NS

    1. Yep, I guess I can be a bit rash, Jen. Well, I blocked a couple of people, and I don't plan on writing anything too controversial any longer, so I won't be feeding the trolls. Ha!


  4. thank you, thank you, thank you...Mindy A.

  5. Someone sent me an article written by a major news media: "How many people have you killed today?" It was saying if you are out of your house at any time, you are infecting someone with the virus.

    1. Wow! They really want us cowering behind the curtains, don't they?

  6. I'm not sure if people know how they are being played. In the Bible, the person with the contagious illness was the one quarantined. The lepers had to live apart from everyone and cover their faces. If anyone came near them, they had to shout, "Unlean!" to warn them. With this thing, those who are well are being quarantined.

    1. I had forgotten about the lepers, Lydia. Thank you for the insight. I saw a meme somewhere that said " If you keep the sick inside it's called a quarantine, if you keep everyone inside it's called prison." Pretty much sums it up doesn't it? Hope you have a lovely day!


  7. I'm so glad you decided to keep the blog up, even if you don't post or only post occasionally. You are a sweet person and I enjoy and learn from your posts.

    My family all need a haircut. We are not good at cutting our own hair. I just get a cut, no shampooing, dying, or anything fancy. I can't wait for the salons/barbers to open up here in NY State.

    As far as negative comments -- if someone doesn't like what you have to say then no one says they have to read your blog. There is no need to be rude.

    1. I always cut my sons and husband's hair, Mary. Men's haircuts are a lot of fiddling, especially around the ears. My hair is long so it can wait quite a while and my husband can help me with trimming the ends. I guess in the meantime, there's always hats. Ha! Thanks for stopping by!


  8. Yay!!
    Nancy J said it so well in her first sentence: "I like you Jane, your straightforward speaking, writing, and your views."
    I will second that opinion.
    Thank you for thinking so kindly of all your interested readers.

    1. Thanks, Jo! I guess that was a kind of rash idea to go private.


  9. Hi Jane, I made a decision when I started blogging to delete any nasty comments or comments that left me feeling depleted or torn down. I can't remember whether I have actually had to do so I have a vague feeling that I might have deleted one or two. I did write in my 'about me' section of my first blog that I appreciate positivity in myself and others and hoped that this would be taken as a hint or guideline. This is your space, and as such it should feel like a safe place for you.

  10. Glad you are back! I had missed your post saying you were leaving, so I was surprised by the permission denied. I was wracking my brain to remember if I had said something to offend. While we may not completely agree politically, I like to think we might be kindred spirits...

    1. Wasn't gone long, was I? Ha! How's that for fickle? Well, I'm glad you checked back. Learned my lesson on that one, so from now on, whatever is up here, will just stay up here until blogger takes it down.


  11. Jane,

    This just made my day! Thank you for changing your mind. From what I have read from your blog, I agree wholeheartedly and look forward reading and enjoying more posts. Thank God for archives :) Have a blessed day and hopefully you are having nice weather downstate. We had snow yesterday in the UP but I think it will be the last. I'm praying anyway, need to get some trees planted!

    1. Isn't snow in April the most depressing thing, Sharon? We look forward to it at Christmas time, but in April, no thanks! We had a light dusting yesterday too. And we have trees to plant too. Our asparagus came up a bit but then we got the snow and they turned to mush. But that's the way it is in Michigan. Do you know that there were some people at the beach the other day? That certainly must not have been from around here. Well, if you want to isolate yourself, going to the beach in April in Michigan is certainly an effective way to do it. Ha! Happy planting!


  12. Hi Jane. I have not had a chance to check back after my job turned into an essential worker which has brought many challenges (not medical industry, management in food manufacturing) and many hours in a new world in keeping employees safe while still trying to produce.

    I read your blog for a very long time and it was always my favorite. Your frugal tips were valuable because you spoke from experience. You are creative, skilled, find incredible 2nd hand finds and a beautiful knitter. You also write of things like the recent old cheap Banquet/Swanson meat pies that brought back memories of my own early married poverty lots of years ago. There have been times when I do something you I still think of you. In the pandemic situation we are facing now I looked you up again hoping (and surprised) your voice would appear again because it is much needed for so many people. However, I also knew the trolls would probably creep out of the woodwork again which would not be good for you and it appears they have. Some bloggers claim they just zap them out of their comments without caring but that would be hard to do. To be genuine you would have to put too much of yourself and your personal views in your writing which would easily bring on the emotions once attacked.

    I wish you the best always, in life and whatever you decide to do with your writing and I'm sure there are many out here reading who feel the same as I do. I can also say that everything you wrote for so long was good education for the present when we really don't know what will happen from here. They were valuable words. -Sharon in the northwest

    1. Hello Sharon! Thank you for your service.

      The trouble with the trolls, is that when you open the comment and read it, you can delete it, but you can't unread it. Ha! Oh well, I don't plan on writing anything too controversial any more, so that won't get much fodder from me, unless they are opposed to gardening, canning, sewing and knitting. But then I've learned that some can argue about anything and object to it. Someone even took umbrage when I said we had a hard winter a few years back. All the Great Lakes froze over that year, the first time in written history. Ha! ANd there's the people that are defenders of another blog that I guess they think I'm in competition with. If I give a recipe for bread, they will say "but B had a recipe for bread on her blog!". Fortunately, that blogger doesn't can or knit so I can't get into too much trouble with them on that subject. WINK! Seriously though, I really don't care if someone else has a more popular blog, I hope they do, because the depend on the money that it generates. I would rather have a small circle of readers that I consider friends. And I will never monetize this blog, that I can promise you. A long time back I had a more popular blog and companies would offer me endorsements and I always felt kinda icky about it. I did once take one up on an offer for some free dried fruits and nuts, but when it was time to write up the review, I said something about their products were nice but expensive. They never made the offer again. Ha! Hope you are enjoying you Spring!


  13. I have recently started reading your blog and enjoy it tremendously. I understand your how you feel about people who leave comments that cause us to turn off our blog.....I've turned my blog off and restarted three times. Each time I erased all posts and had to begin again. I felt threatened and unhappy putting myself in situations where I could be misunderstood and talked about by people who don't agree with me or understand my heart. I no longer blog, but realize that I have removed my thoughts and words that were encouraging others. Especially during these times when social contact through blogging is one of the remaining ways to uplift others. I encourage you to do what you know is best for your own peace and well being, and want to let you know that your words and wisdom are blessings to those who have ears to hear.....and....I may even put my blog back out there one day. Grace and peace to you. Mrs C

    1. I hope you do Mrs. C! Before I had this blog, I had another blog that I completely deleted and I regret that I did it. Not only because other were encouraged by it, but because it was a diary of my time here on earth, of people that have come and gone in my life, and it was also a gardening journal. OH well, a popular blogger had plagiarized at least two of my posts, so at least they still exist. Ha! It was good advice, so I'm glad it is out there. But for the present I plan on not giving anyone much to talk about. Have a lovely day!


    2. I am I opened my blog that was private. I will be sure to keep my heart focused on why I'm writing (simply to encourage and uplift others) and ignore those who cause problems. We have things worth sharing too, and once we leave others are left with one less heart of encouragement.
      Let's hang in there!
      Mrs. c

    3. Good! See you over at your blog!

  14. Keep the blog open but shut down the comments. People can still read about your thrifty lifestyle. Look at blogs like "Posie Gets Cozy" or "Dreamy Whites." They never engage in politics or religion or issues that create strife. (This is entirely a personal choice, I know. It depends how much one wants to reveal about oneself, the convictions you have, or what you want your blog to be.) They do not engage with negative comments. I know it's up to you to write about what you choose, but I myself just like to read about a cozy, thrifty lifestyle. I want it to be an "escape". If you find that keeping up a blog is tedious, you could do Instagram. Your numbers could be dropping because so many people just don't read blogs as much anymore. Instagram is quick and fun in our busy lives.

    I have always loved your blog, especially the canning, the garden, the knitting, well, everything!


    1. I like the interaction I have with my readers, Isabella. I met my best friend through this blog. And honestly, don't you find the comments the most interesting thing about this blog? Oh I know if you speak your mind about politics or religion you'll get negative feedback, so it is my own fault. And I realize in these days of safe rooms in college dorms and adult coloring books, some might find opinions upsetting, but that is the price I guess I'll have to pay, if someone wants to walk away. If I just wanted to write or use my blogs to sell something or my lifestyle, there are other avenues that are better suited, like YouTube and Instagram, I agree. I'm unfamiliar with Dreamy Whites, but I do know Posie sells her patterns and promotes them on her blog, so I'm sure she would not want to cause any strife, so not saying anything political would be in her best interest as the more readers she has the better her sales. I'm old-fashioned, I like to know where people stand. I used to watch someone on YouTube for her gardening information, but when she started going on about mother earth and gaia, well I quit watching her. It wasn't anything strife full or even negative, it's just something I strongly disagree with. I didn't leave a negative comment or give her a thumbs down. I simply stopped watching her. And if people feel the same way about me, they can simply stop reading my blog. I don't think I've ever hid what I stood for, I think my very first blog post, pretty much spelled it out I actually have an Instagram account but cannot post anything on it because you must have a smart phone to do so. Besides IG isn't very conducive for the info I give. Often a recipe, canning instructions or a free knitting pattern take more space. I'd have to be a lot less long-winded. Ha! And I'm not worried about my numbers dropping as I have never monetized this blog or asked anyone to buy my products that I promote. If I have only a handful of readers that I can chat with and have a common thread with I'm happy.


  15. So glad to see a post from you during this Covid issue especially. We are doing well in our non acreage home now for over a year. I have a small garden and am about to plant another year soon. My 10 year old granddaughter is going to help me as I am slated for hip replacement soon. It was supposed to be in April but is now postponed to Sept. So my granddaughter is really wanting to help me out so of course I am taking her up on that.' This will give me some time to can again this year.
    Keep on keeping on. Nannie

    1. Hello Nannie! So you moved from your farm? Now you are an urban homesteader! Welcome to the group!

      That's good you have a nice granddaughter to help. And you can teach her gardening. It's a win-win situation. We got our onions and peas in, but it's been too cold for anything else. Spring sure is taking it's good old time arriving this year.

      Hope your hip isn't bothering you too much. My dad had his replaced years ago (he's gone now) and he said it was one of the best decisions he ever made. You keep on keeping on also. Ha!


  16. Hi Jane,
    I’m glad your back.
    My advice is moderate all comments and just delete any negative ones or not nice ones.
    And speaking of bad comments, I got my worst one ever today and I deleted it.

    If other people want to “Have their own voice” then they should just start their own blog and preach away if they choose too. But if they talk bad, it’s not going to be on blog.

    Are you needing anything that can’t be bought in your state right now? I’d be happy to mail you seeds or whatever you need. Our retirement income is higher than we ever dreamed it would be and I’d love to help you if you’d need and/or like

    1. Oh goodness, Rhonda, what a kind and lovely offer! I'll never forget your kindness through my little "crisis". Thank you, we have everything, as we saved our seeds and the only thing that we couldn't find was onion sets, but I figured out a way around that problem by buying them at a dollar store. They were in with all the garden décor (which you could buy). They already are planted and a bit of green is coming up. Oh by the way, we are being punished by the gov, for being naughty children protesting her and our time-out has been extended. When she announced it, I saw more people driving around than in the last six months. Actually had to wait to back out of the driveway. HA!

      I'm sorry you got a bad comment today. There's some crazies out there. Well, I guess we had been warned about this happening. Yep, delete and block is how you take care of that problem.

      I'm so glad your retirement is going well for you! That's so nice! So you'll be able to spoil those adorable grandchildren even more. Thank youso much for being a friend!


  17. Jane,
    Woohoo! I have never been so happy to see another post! :) I am so thankful you decided to stick with it and stand your ground. You are loved by so many, don't let a few bad people ruin it for everyone. May God shield your heart and mind as you go forth from here. He is faithful!
    Have a restful Sabbath,
    Because of Grace,

    1. Well Kim, it was your note that you sent me that was one of the things that convinced me to stand my ground. Thank you so much for the encouragement. It's funny that you should comment today, because on today's "to-do" list is to send you note. Each time I come back I become more resolute and determined. And I think I have already received God's blessing because I am meeting so many wonderful people through this blog. Hope you have a wonderful day of rest and everyday!


    2. My motto has always been to outdo the naysayers and outlast them. The more they complain, the more I dig in. The other day someone stole my one yard sign that had the name of a favorite political candidate, so I replaced it with two more yard signs. When those two yard signs disappeared I replaced them with four. Those signs are going to multiply like rabbits until it will take more stealth time than it’s worth to steal them.

    3. I love it Lydia! Keep fighting!


  18. Well, welcome city homemaker! Yeah, it is sort of scary to put yourself out there, isn't it? People find so much to be offended by these days. Something as simple as saying "the sky is blue" will find someone arguing it or being offended that I didn't include other colors. Ha! I hope that seeing the struggles I go through writing this blog will give you some encouragement to maybe write another post. As you can see, it is an opportunity to me some pretty great people. In the meantime, feel free to comment here as often as you want to have a voice.


  19. I commented here to your staying on the other day and I pushed send and it did but it must not have gotten through. Yes I did reply to the letter you sent to my Yahoo address. I forget now what I said but I did reply that day ! Glad to see you decided to stay and have posted again . ; ) Sorry for the quick note but I am tired and it is so hot tonight my mind feels fried... :))) Yes it is Judy...

  20. Dear Jane, I'm so very pleased that you've reopened your blog, as I owe you a debt of gratitude and wanted to thank you. Here in the UK we are in the 6th week of complete lockdown and many basic commodities are either missing from or rationed at the supermarket. I read an article on your blog a few years ago stressing the importance of having a well stocked pantry and of being prepared for difficult situations. It struck a cord with me and I slowly built up my pantry by buying one or two things extra each week, until it was and is very well stocked indeed. It has been a real blessing over the past weeks, we have not had to join the queues round the car park to get into stores at all (they are restricting access to a set number of people at a time) and it has given us such a sense of security that I really cannot thank you enough for your excellent advice.
    My Best Wishes
    Lesley (from England)

    1. Well thank you for the lovely comment, Lesley! Sometimes I get discouraged, but then I remember the mission of this blog and I come back. I think I learned my final lesson and won't be quitting any longer. It doesn't take long to stock a pantry, one or two items at a time does it? And it hardly makes a dent to the budget. I hope others see your comment as a testimony to just old fashioned common sense. Thank you for encouraging others!

