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Tuesday, April 5, 2022

I Decided

 Hello! I decided to open up my blog to the public.   Considering the times, I thought some of you might find it useful.  I haven't decided if I will post any new content.


  1. Hello Jane, good to see you here again

    1. Thanks! How are things down your way? All set for colder weather?

  2. Hooray! So glad to "see you" online, again, Jane! Hope you are all well! xx Jen in NS

    1. Hello Jen! Thought of you often. Hope you are fairing well

    2. I've thought of you often, too. Wondering what lovely things you've made, what lovely little changes your beautiful little house might have seen, and thinking about all the lovely food you've surely grown in your beautiful yard...sanity in the craziness! :)

      I can't pretend I haven't had (many) moments of angst and hair-tearing over the last year and a half, but I feel I'm in a much stronger place (faith-wise) than I was, so that surely is a good outcome! Am really looking forward to combing thru your old posts. Thought of you last week, actually...We watched "The Three Godfathers", which has Mildred Natwick in it, and I instantly thought of your recommendation of "The Trouble With Harry" (which we LOVED, by the thanks for the suggestion!).

      Bet you are in the throes of getting your gardening season up and running. We just had snow a few days ago, but it was only "poor man's fertilizer", nothing serious. My seedlings are on the go, and it's time to start puttering around the yard doing some spring cleanup. I won't be able to plant until the end of May, but there are always garden things to do anyway...One of the things I need to do soon is prune the grapes.

      Anyway, saw your blog pop up on Lydia's "Home Living" blog on her sidebar, and had to come on over! So glad to "see" you again! Jen.

    3. I think we went through the same sort of experience. I too, feel I'm in a much better place, however, I will always remain imperfect. It certainly has helped me prioritize what is important in life.

      Love, love, love MIldred Natwick! I'll watch her in anything, even Barefoot in the Park, even though it starred Jane Fonda. Ha! ANother favorite character actress is Elizabeth Patterson from the same era, if you can even find any of her movies they are always worth it.

      We've started seeds but like you, gardening season doesn't start until the end of May. We had three inches of snow the other day. I love winter, but this is the time of year when it gets a little tiresome! Whomever wrote those poems about the beauty of spring never lived where we do. Ha!


    4. Ha, ha about Jane Fonda in Barefoot in the Park...I agree with you. I didn't have a clue who Elizabeth Patterson was, so I looked her up...I know I've seen several of the movies she's in, but I'll have to re-watch some to pay attention to her roles! The only one I remember her distinctly in is Little Women. It will be fun to see what I can find for movies with her in them! :)

      I know what you mean about winter...It's my "holiday" time for crafting, etc., but the "outside bug" is starting to bite. Soon enough we'll have that hot, muggy August weather and I'll be dreaming of snow! xxJen

    5. I'm with you, Jen. I long for the warmer weather this time of the year, but the first day it gets above 75, I'm ready for the cooler weather.

      My Favorite Elizabeth Patterson movies are Remember the Night (a Christmas movie) and Welcome Stranger. She's such a lovely old-fashioned New England-ish type of lady.

      Hope you have a lovely day today. It's supposed to be sunny here, but so far I haven't seen it.


  3. How lovely to be able to read your posts again. I am going to quickly steal some of your recipes before you vanish again! Hope you and yours are all well. Herein the UK prices are sky rocketing so all frugal hints and tips are valued. My very best wishes to you Lesley.

  4. How lovely to be able to read your posts again. I am going to quickly steal some of your recipes before you vanish again! Hope you and yours are all well. Herein the UK prices are sky rocketing so all frugal hints and tips are valued. My very best wishes to you Lesley.

    1. Not going anywhere, Lesley. Already got all the hate mail from the kooks. Those kind of things used to bother me but not anymore. Hope you are doing well, also!

  5. Hello, Jane. We began communicating near the end of your blog. I appreciate you conversing with me. I pray your life is going well.

    1. Well Cate, my life has had some very surreal moments over the past few years, but mostly it has been pleasant. Anytime you want to converse, you can find me here. Hope life is treating you well!

  6. glad you're back! We need to walk through life and encourage others. My blog took a backseat these past 2 years also...just alot to process,perhaps.
    We have a voice to share as the Truth goes forward. D.

    1. I've spent a lot of the past two years just reflecting and rediscovering what is important to home life. I feel like I'm in a really good place. I hope you will continue to blog if that is how you feel directed from ABove!

  7. I'm glad your back! I didn't take your blog out of my bookmarks, hoping you'd return. Looking forward to reading new posts.

    1. Hello Mary! I hadn't planned on posting anything, but now I guess I'll have to post something. Wouldn't want to disappoint. Ha!

  8. Thank you!!! I have missed your blog so much!


  9. Jane, Im so glad you are back. You are one of my favorite blogs. I feel like you are a kindred spirit, and always loved reading your posts.

  10. So happy you have opened your blog. Guess I will start from the beginning and read through the whole thing. I have always enjoyed your blog and recipes. Take c.are of yourselves.
    Barb in PA

    1. Well, don't strain your eyes, Barb! That's a lot of reading. Ha! Hope you are having a lovely Easter.

    2. LOL. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  11. I’m soooo glad you’re back! I’ve been reading your blog for years. It’s truly one of my favorites! I was always sure to check and see if it was back up and today was my lucky day! Thanks for all you do! Sherri Killion—long-time fan, infrequent commenter.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Sherri!


  12. I can’t tell you how thankful I am you are blogging again!❤️
